Rainbow warriors

Today, in nearly 70 countries, sexual orientation and gender can lead to prison or even the death penalty.
This global participatory art project allows LGBTQIA+ people to become warriors in order to give visibility to members of their community who are forced to remain invisible.
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ligne blanche

A contre-courant

Koï carps swim against the current. The many powerful symbols and stories associated with this fish inspired the A contre-courant installation, which focuses on the fact that some of the principles of art are precisely to resist against all odds, to dare to try new things and not to be afraid of stepping out of one's comfort zone.

More by clicking here.


ligne blanche

Swinging heads

Real-time overlay of your face in a montage of 1930s musicals.
More by clicking here.


ligne blanche

Juste ciels

Change of light and perspective in the great outdoors thanks to a myriad of fragments of skies from all horizons, hanged in the trees.
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ligne blanche

I wish I was

Nowadays, everyone has a camera and we love to post on social networks our latest memories. These same social networks have progressively distorted the vision that people can have of physical appearance and life goals. It is therefore in a rather ironic but, above all, playful way that I decided to reinterpret, with my photos, the "passe-tête", this illustrated panel in which we put our head to pretend to be someone else.
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I wish I was

ligne blanche

I wish I was fabulous!

In addition to its playfulness and immediacy, this interactive video installation is a warning about dysmorphophobia, and highlights the fact that drag is not just a "new phenomenon", but a political act that, among other things, deconstructs gender norms.
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I wish I was

ligne blanche

Looking for directions

Collection of arrows, photographed here and there since 2003, symbolizing the passing life, installed in giant luminous chevrons. You can't stop time but you can pause it by photographing it.
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ligne blanche

Love is

Giant, luminous and beating hearts, composed of loving duos, acting as beacons in the night in the four corners of a park. Message of love, hope and peace.
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ligne blanche

It's gotta be da shoes!

This project explores the tiny border that exists between the collector and the fetishist. Sneaker addicts were asked to pose with their favorite pair.
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ligne blanche

Walking by numbers

Collection of numbers (listed from 1 to 100) of houses shot in the different neighborhoods of my city, Brussels, in order to celebrate its beauty, heritage and diversity.
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ligne blanche

Lifetime playlist

As a marker, on the 1st of January 2021, I've set myself a new challenge: publishing every weekend a post with one of my photos, a musical link and a text oscillating between autobiography, philosophy"ish" and the hidden history of my photos.
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ligne blanche

Locked down at my cat's home

Testimonies on the relationship that humans had with their cat during the first Covid lockdown.
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ligne blanche

Fashion counts / Fashion writes

Collection of photos of people, having a number (between 1 and 100) or a letter (from A to Z) printed on their clothes.
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